The heartwood of Djindja-Udu is yellowish brown when freshly cut becoming yellow to golden brown usually with a gray or olive hue upon exposure; sapwood light yellow brown. Grain more or less interlocked; texture medium to rather coarse; luster high with faint spicy odor and mildly bitter taste when green. Scientific name: Buchenavia capitataFamily: CombretaceaeOrigin: Suriname, Guyana, French Guiana, Brazil, VenezuelaOther names: Fukadi, Angouchy, Tanibuca, Amarillo Natural Durability: Class 1-3 with good to very good resistance to termites Density (12%): 750 kg/m3Shrinkage (%): rad. 2,8%, tang. 5,6%Bending: 89 N/mm2Drying: easy, little degrade Working: good; pre-boring necessary Finishing: good Uses: exterior and interior flooring, furniture, boat decking, planking and framing, decorative veneer and turnery.