The heartwood is gray brown, yellow brown, or yellowish pink brown when freshly cut often a deep orange brown. The sapwood is somewhat lighter colored and not clearly defined. The grain is generally straight, sometimes interlocked; scattered pores coarse, otherwise the texture is fine; luster mostly low; without distinctive odor or taste. Silica content up to about 2.0% is Parinari camprestrisreported. Scientific name: Parinari camprestris Family: Chrysobalanaceae Origin: Suriname, Guyana, French Guiana, Brazil, Venezuela Other names: Burada, Rarinari, Guaray, Vonkhout Natural Durability: Class 2-3 with good to good resistance to termites and marine borders. Density (12%): 840 kg/m3Shrinkage (%): rad. 6,4%, tang. 10,3%Bending: 152 N/mm2Drying: easy with moderate risk of distortion and slight risk of checking. Working: difficult to machine and to glue; pre-boring necessary. Finishing: moderate Uses: marine constructions (submerged), crane mats, heavy construction, sleepers (treated), flooring.